Week 18 coronavirus news – an excellent article, the latest on the resurgence of the illness, CDPHE and Denver Post sites, no significant medical breakthru’s this week

Scientific American online article – Inside the Coronavirus

This is a superb interactive article showing what we know about this virus. It is staggering to me that we now know the structure and function of this virus so thoroughly in such a short time. This is one of those times when scientific collaboration has produced astounding results.

The article works best on a desktop but adequately on a tablet. See it here.

The spread of the COVID-19 over the past month

The latest information again reiterates that 80+% of the new cases are in those under age 50 and associated with bar, restaurant, mall, and other social gathering exposures like block parties, birthday parties, or sports gatherings.

The good news is that the number of hospitalizations and deaths has not increased significantly in parallel with the increase in new cases.

There are still no food-borne, water-borne, or pet-borne outbreaks reported. This is predominantly an airborne disease with a spattering of hand contact spread.

Some may contend that the number of new cases has increased so “dramatically”, because we now have more testing available. I would agree but also add that, because there is more testing available, we are now able to see a bit more realistically what is going on than in the months of February – April.

This illness initially hit those most vulnerable to developing the severe complications and caused many deaths in the 60+ age group category. Now those in this age group are more likely to use face masks and practice social distancing and hand sanitation than those younger and healthier. This protective factor seems to be reflected nationally and in the Colorado data showing a rise in cases with a continued fall in deaths and a stable rate of hospitalization.

I would also like to reiterate that nationally 40% of deaths occurred in individuals living in care facilities. In Colorado that number has been as high as 55%. Thankfully those facilities are beginning to catch up on their safety precautions.

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

The CDPHE has a very good web presence. The COVID-19 section provides up to date information about prevention and disease awareness.

It also shares its raw data on a daily basis for all you data geeks out there. (You can even create your own interactive, almost real-time graphs of the outbreak for all you data AND programming geeks out there.)

But why would you want to do all that work, when the Denver Post has already done that work for you? I view the Coronavirus data and map page daily to follow the trends in Colorado. For everything COVID-19 related in Colorado, the Post has this page. Their reporting and information has been accurate and evenly reported through this epidemic.

Medical updates

To reiterate the good news that came to light over the last month: IF you get sick, giving you an antibiotic and steroids reduces your risk of needing hospitalization by about 50%. IF you need to be hospitalized, new treatment can reduce your risk of dying by at least 30%. AND face mask use, social distancing, and hand sanitation does greatly reduce your risk of getting COVID-19.

There are no new breakthroughs on the medical front this past week.

Vaccine trials continue. Antibody trials continue. Convalescent plasma use studies continue. No hint of the development of a direct anti-viral antibiotic yet.

So practice good personal protection. Wear face masks around others, keep a distance, and wash your hands regularly.

Dr. Gipson

a sign of the times

1 thought on “Week 18 coronavirus news – an excellent article, the latest on the resurgence of the illness, CDPHE and Denver Post sites, no significant medical breakthru’s this week

  1. Dr. Gipson,
    Might you have any information or know about the impact one’s blood type has on susceptibility to more severe Covid 19 symptoms?
    Thank you kindly,
    Carl Richard

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