Week 7.5 coronavirus update – no new medical data, a perspective on re-opening, and a good FTC site

Medical news

Still nothing new on the medical front about results of well-established trials of medications or vaccines. The most diligent and urgent studies are being performed on those of us who get most ill and need ICU and ventilator support. We’ll have to see if some of that research is helpful at keeping us out of the ICU.

A perspective on re-opening the economy

As more talk evolves around re-opening the economy, remember that well over 90% of us have not had or been exposed to the coronavirus. Although the statistics look large about how many people have been diagnosed and died, it is a small percentage of the world, even taking into account the commonly accepted figure that 10-15 times more people have become ill than have been tested. So maintaining physical distancing, wearing masking in public, and diligent hand sanitization will remain necessary for months ahead, if not several years.

I do not in the least mean to under-emphasize the significance of this illness and loss associated with it. I just want to emphasize the fact that most of us are still vulnerable to becoming ill.


The number of opportunists trying to take advantage of us is mind-boggling. I have always been fascinated with how much creativity goes into preying on the vulnerability of others.

The most recent proposed cure for COVID-19 is a bleaching agent called chlorine dioxide. It is sold under several names, but the most common is Miracle Mineral Solution. Basically, stay away.

The Federal Trade Commission has a great blog about all scam reports it receives, The Consumer Information Blog. It is also a wonderfully informative blog in general. I review it for COVID scams regularly. I also search the site if someone brings me a question about a product about which I am unfamiliar. Unless you are living an ascetic hermit life, it is worth some time exploring while we remain quarantined.

Dr. Gipson

another from the archives

10 thoughts on “Week 7.5 coronavirus update – no new medical data, a perspective on re-opening, and a good FTC site

      1. Yes it is being actively studied, but these early studies have been not controlled. We don’t know yet if it truly helps or just looks like it does.

    1. I am optimistic that there will be some accurate testing within the next month. There are some early one’s out there, but I have not seen information about their reliability.

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