Week 2.5 coronavirus update

As commentary online and in the media escalates, there appears great opportunity for the unscrupulous to profit from the current circumstances of uncertainty and fear.

So, this is a mid-week edition of my perusing the online literature.

Fake news of the week:

Supplements that do not work, except to move money from your wallet to another’s:

1. Garlic

2. Miracle minerals, called MMS and chlorine dioxide

3. Homemade sanitizers. Vodka no (it is only 40% alcohol and the coronavirus needs 60+% alcohol for extermination), Everclear yes, (as it is >60% alcohol).

4. Colloidal silver

5. Drinking water every 15 minutes.

7. Zinc, echinacea, and vitamin C.

8. Home test kits are complete scams. I am not your financial adviser, but if you are thinking of using a home test kit for SARS-Co2, then donate your money to a needy charity. It will be of better use.

Some have asked me, “Yes, but do these hurt to try?” Silver, chlorine, and alcohol toxicities are clearly known and should be avoided. Otherwise, I can neither recommend nor discourage you from taking these supplements. But I can say that they are completely unproven in terms of their benefit in SARS-Co2 infections.

There are shortages of certain drugs but ALL OF THEM are unproven to be of any benefit as of this time. So do not worry if you get sick. Care is available.

The United States was arrogantly short-sighted in allowing test kits to be available, causing the current state of limited testing. South Korea and Italy adopted the WHO test kit and has screened 100’s of thousands of their population starting several months ago. The US thought it could build a better kit, only to be 2 months behind in our ability to test people. We are thankfully beginning to catch up.

If you think you have symptoms of COVID-19, please call the office at 720-639-6359 or me personally on my cell. Those reading this essay and not belonging to my practice, please call your PCP directly for advice.

Dr. Gipson

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