COVID-19 update – Omicron update and the flu

It must be stated that at this time information about this variant is still in the early stages of development.

Likelihood of reinfection with Omicron COVID-19 if you have had previous COVID-19 in the last 3 months

This has always been a topic of concern regarding how long immunity from a COVID-19 illness would last.

An interesting very large study from South Africa stated that people were three times as likely to get Omicron COVID-19 if they had previously had any COVID-19 infection. This observational study collected information on 2.7 million people.

It found that 1.25% of people with a previous COVID-19 infection within the last 3 months had gotten re-infected, presumably with the Omicron variant. That meant that prior to the outbreak of this variant, 0.4% of people with previous COVID-19 had gotten a proven re-infection.

Overall this still shows significant protection so far from previous COVID-19 illness with almost 99% of people not showing evidence of reinfection.

Although these numbers are fairly small, if this becomes the dominant variant running around the US AND we assume 200,000,000 people have had COVID-19 (about 5x those known to have had it), then we would expect 2,500,000 more cases of reinfection COVID-19. That’s still a lot more cases than I would want to see

What is not said about this report?

There was no mention of the severity of illness in those with a reinfection. So we don’t know if these people had milder reinfections than expected, suggesting at least some partial immunity from their original COVID-19 infection.

We also do not yet know how the vaccines protect against this variant.

What we still don’t know

Does it cause more severe infections that any other previous mutation?

Do the current vaccines provide protection?

Does it spread more rapidly than the Delta variant in unvaccinated individuals? (Some early data suggests that it does.)

Merck’s new drug against COVID-19, molnupiravir, approved by the FDA…narrowly

The FDA approved molnupiravir by a vote of 13-10, which is a pretty narrow margin when it comes to the FDA. Many of those voting no, cited limited data on side effects and complications, as well as concerns about development of viral resistance and a lower effectiveness rate in a larger trial than was originally stated.

So far it is indicated for those at high risk for severe complications. It must be administered ideally within 3 days of the onset of symptoms but can be given up to 5 days after. It was shown to be ineffective at altering the course of those hospitalized with COVID-19, showing that it is only effective if administered early in the illness.

Availability is not known at present.

Influenza outbreaks have already been noted in university settings

Be sure to get your flu vaccine.

Black Canyon of the Gunnison

3 thoughts on “COVID-19 update – Omicron update and the flu

  1. Thanks for the info. So confusing for me. Glad to get the info.
    Very stunning and beautiful picture.

  2. I am so confused over this virus. They threaten you to take it, offer to pay you if you take it , lose your job if you don’t take it, let everyone in the world cross our border without testing or vaccination — I think this is all about control. Socialism/communism and NWO! I don’t trust Fauci or Biden.

    1. You mention a myriad of complex social and political issues from the pandemic and society in general. On those subjects I am not skilled enough to comment.

      However there is no question that the getting a Pfizer or Moderna is the best way to avoid serious illness or death from this coronavirus.

      I now tell people these three simple facts:
      1. Everyone on this planet will get immunity to this coronavirus. One can choose to get it though illness or vaccination.
      2. You are more likely to die by far from this coronavirus than from the vaccine.
      3. You are more likely to kill someone by spreading this coronavirus than from any other activity in your like.

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